The Global Commitment 

2023 Progress Report

Government Details

Government type


Joined the Global Commitment


Eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging and/or product

Progress made over the reporting period

Activities and progress made on elimination 

Categories of plastic packaging and products with targeted measures in place to stimulate partial or complete elimination

Metric(s) on plastic packaging/products eliminated

Proportion elimated % of weight

Weight to eliminate metric tonnes

Quantity to eliminate

Year to Achieve

Other details

Planned actions by 2025

Planned actions on elimination

Encouraging reuse models where relevant to reduce the need for single-use plastic packaging and/or products

Progress made over the reporting period

Activities and progress made on reuse

Planned actions by 2025

Planned actions on reuse


Incentivising the use of reusable, recyclable, or compostable plastic packaging

Progress made over the reporting period

Activities and progress made on incentivising reusable, recyclable or compostable plastic packaging

Planned actions by 2025

Planned actions on incentivising reusable, recyclable or compostable plastic packaging


Increasing collection, sorting, and recycling rates, and facilitating the establishment of the necessary infrastructure and related funding mechanisms

Progress made over the reporting period

Activities and progress made on collection, sorting and recycling

Metrics on plastic collected, recycled and composted

Waste generated metric tonnes 

Collected metric tonnes/% 

Recycled metric tonnes/% 

Composted metric tonnes /% 

Additional information

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Metrics on plastic collected, recycled and composted

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Additional metrics 

Planned actions by 2025

Planned actions on collection, sorting and recycling

Stimulating demand for recycled plastics

Progress made over the reporting period

Activities and progress made on stimulating demand for recycled plastics

Average recycled content used %

Total weight of plastic packaging (in metric tonnes) used in the jurisdiction during the reporting year

Other details

Planned actions by 2025

Planned actions on stimulating demand for recycled plastics 

2025 target(s)